Chip volume: The amount of material removed by the tool per flute
Feed rate: The rate at which each cutting edge of the tool enters the workpiece - inches per minute
Inches per minute (IPM): The linear distance the tool enters the workpiece per minute, expressed in inches.
Deepth of cut (DOC): The depth of the end mill after it enters the surface of the part in the axial direction. When milling with a CNC machine, the Z axis is usually used as the
Inches per revolution (IPR): The feed rate of the tool per revolution. In inches, the feed rate of the tool can be calculated using this.
I.P.R. = Cutting volume × number of flutes
Millimeters per revolution (MMPR): The feed rate of the tool per revolution. In metric units, the feed rate of the tool can be calculated using this.
M..M.P.R. = Cutting volume × number of flutes
Meters per minute (MPM): The cutting speed of the end mill, this metric unit is applicable in all regions. This unit indicates the rate at which the tool passes through the part.
Revolutions per minute (RPM): The speed at which the tool shaft runs. This value can be calculated in MPM or SFPM.
Surface feet per minute (SFPM): This is the unit of cutting rate for end mills used in the United States. It indicates the circumference of the tool at a given position per minute,
expressed in feet.
When using the tool, choose the appropriate cutting speed, feed rate and cutting depth
Buyers must pay attention to the following parameters when using end mills:
SFPM: Cutting rate of tool surface
Chip volume: The amount of material cut by each groove of the tool
Deep cutting: Select according to the specific component
Note: The cutting depth should not exceed the depth of the tool groove. Cutting too deep will damage the tool. If you need to cut deeper, change to a tool with a larger
diameter. Always keep the ratio of tool diameter to cutting depth at 1:1
Cutting width: The maximum should not exceed 2/3 of the tool diameter.